March 25, 2015
KLEX - Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video & Music Festival
Since 2010 until present, SiCKL has been the producer of KLEX festival. We no longer function as a physical art space. Leading to the festival that usually takes place in November, SiCKL-KLEX organizes DIY screening, music and performance events through out the year around town, and sometimes abroad.
Check out KLEX information and events at:
The Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video and Music Festival (KLEX) is an artists-run grassroots festival founded in Malaysia in 2010. KLEX aims to serve as a platform to introduce contemporary experimental film, video and music from the region and worldwide to the Malaysian audience and vice versa, to cultivate understanding, learning, friendship and exchange among local, regional and international experimental art communities.
Thank you for visiting our blog and please continue to support our long term project: KLEX!
March 25, 2013
SiCKL in book "Today And Tomorrow - Emerging Practices in Malaysia Art"
As an active alternative artist collective, SiCKL is honored to be featured in book "Today And Tomorrow - Emerging Practices in Malaysia Art", published by Adaptus design with editorial by Adeline Ooi, Beverly Yong and Rachel Ng.
October 27, 2010
SiCKL Open Lab 013

The unapologetic experimental SiCKL Open Lab 013 is back featuring paintings by Nio+Mie (Clifford Narcis & Mikie Yap), electronica by Fengde, solo saxophone by Yong Yandsen, multimedia performance by The Ensemble with Nio+Mie (live painting), Yandsen (sound), Goh Lee Kwang (sound), Paco Michelson (live video mixing) and Kok Siew Wai (live videotaping/projections); and more offensive love songs by our beloved Self Conscious Acron...ym(ed) Man!
Date & Time: Sat, 30 October @ 8pm
Venue: Studio in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur (SiCKL)
Address: 75, 3rd floor (top), Amber Business Plaza, Jalan Jelawat 1, Cheras, 56100 K.L.
Info: /
Driving Directions: Yandsen (012-9198031); Map attached.
Public Transportation: Take Star Line LRT, stop at CHERAS station. Walk towards
your left to the shop lots where the first shop is 7-11. Keep walking until No.75, you'll see an Indian barber/liquor store. Go upstairs, we're on the top floor!
Attire: light and casual
Nio + Mie is created based on parables of a couple in love
and what they experience in a variety of shades. We are each other’s playthings and as such the representation of companionship in this collection come in the form of toys. We all have our favorite toy and we care for them in an un-biased, unique way and they bring us comfort and consolation. There are times when even our favorite toy cannot bring us cheer or make us forget pain but until the end of our journey in this life, we never forget the joy they brought us.
Fengde is a free-form, improvised electronica duo, and it’s the side project of the two main players from DianBang - Chuan Fung and Dickson. Both players have their own unique styles. Dickson uses lots of digital effects and gadgets to play multifaceted electronic sounds while Chuan Fung’s style is towards the retro and create a nostalgic atmosphere with analogue equipment.
The Ensemble:
The Ensemble is a multimedia performance project focusing on cross-disciplinary improvised performance. It is formed in March 2010 and its players are not fixed. The Ensemble is open to collaborate with performers in various mediums, such as music, video, dance, poetry reading and live painting. Past players of The Ensemble includes Yong Yandsen, Kok Siew Wai, Au Sow Yee, Goh Lee Kwang, Ng Chor Guan, Ronnie Khoo, David Lim, Kotaro Tanaka, Kristen Nilson Oma and more.
SiCKL Open Lab series is an art laboratory for artists to gather, show works and networking. SiCKL provides a free and open platform for artistic expression, improvisations, experimentation, learning and collaboration. We welcome artists from all disciplines.
August 10, 2010
Sama-sama Guesthouse Mini Alternative Art Festival 2010 (Melaka)
Please check the festival updates and event documentation (pictures & videos) at:
July 21, 2010
Sama-sama Guesthouse Mini Alternative Art Festival 2010 (Melaka)

Dates: 3pm-11pm, Fri-Sun, 6-8th August 2010.
Location: Sama-sama Guesthouse, Jalan Tukang Besi; Karabau Rock Bar, Jalan Hang Lekir (3rd street)
Contact: / (012-9198031)
Support your local revolution!
Join us for this unique DIY mini art festival with no budget but lots of “big hearts”!
SiCKL presents a colorful weekend celebrating creative and irrepressible contemporary works in visual art, music, dance, poetry, film/video and performance on 6-8 August 2010 in Melaka! This DIY, mini alternative art festival takes place at non-conventional venues: a cozy guesthouse inhabiting a heritage building, and a local bar. Featuring established and emerging artists that are open to art experimentation, the festival has gathered 50 over artists, dancers, musicians and performers from Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Singapore, Japan, Scotland and USA to join the art feast! Visual art, dance, video and performances will happen throughout days and nights at Sama-sama Guesthouse, and night music gigs will take place at Karabau Rock Bar.
SGMAAF 2010 is a truly grass-root, DIY, “no-budget” mini art festival. It is solely supported by the enthusiastic and selfless souls with a desire to make something humble but excellent happen in the community. The festival does not obtain any official funding. Enthusiastic individuals provide in-kind supports such as venue and equipment sponsorship in a completely voluntary, non-profit manner. All participated artists have been amazingly generous to contribute time and energy to create work for the festival without allowance. These selfless artists are the backbones of SGMAAF 2010. Our effort proves that it is possible to produce an excellent art event with quality content, without surrendering to established authorities and big budgets.
Support your local revolution!
There will be paintings, drawings and installation works exhibited at Sama-sama Guesthouse by visual artists such as Wong Perng Fey, Ragazza 88, Hee Chee Way, Lim Keh Soon, Wong Eng Leong, Wong Min Lik, Tuan Nini Farhana and more. Artist Tey Beng Tze will be doing “dream drawing” where he’ll create drawings real-time as a performance, throughout the duration of the festival. A room dedicated to Yong Ching Sui (1975-2006) will be installed, as a tribute to a talented artist and a good friend. Singaporean artists Urich Lau, Jeremy Chu, Wong Yip Kai, Raymond Yap and Ezzam Rahman will present us with video art, installation and performance. The festival will feature local video artists Au Sow Yee, Kok Kai Foong, Alison Khor, and artists from Japan - Katsuyuki Hatori, Eiji Azuma, Koji Tambata and Kotaro Tanaka, in which Tanaka will be performing live with local improvised musicians and dancers. Adding to the fun is poet Tshiung Han See; singer-song writers Azmyl Yunor, Jerome Kugan, Melaka very own Ika Hwang and the violently melancholy SCAM; one man band Silent Keat, and the hilariously rebellious Ciplak. The highlight will be The Abang Guard, featuring some “father figures” in the punk/sound/noise scene with Joe Kidd, Bullet and Zai Kuning (Singapore). Local dance troupe Lapar lab will present dance piece “The Campus Thought” while David Lim and dancers “inhabiting” different corners of the guesthouse throughout the days; and alt
Studio in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur (SiCKL)
April 21, 2010
Rice Above! #5: Women Reclaim The Night!
Cross-disciplinary Improvised Performance Group: Ensemble 11

SiCKLers & friends has formed a new improvised ensemble with music, video and movement - Ensemble 11! We had our first performance at the launching of MAP - KL's New Arts Platform in Solaris Dutamas on 27th March, 6-7pm.
"Ensemble 11" on 27th March, 2010, are: Yong Yandsen (tenor sax), Kok Siew Wai (voice), Ronnie Khoo (guitar), Goh Lee Kwang (sound mixer), Ng Chor Guan (theremin), Alison Khor (video), Au Sow Yee (video), David Lim (movement), Iylia Nordin (movement) and Aidira Khaidir (movement).
February 22, 2010
SiCKL Open Lab 011: When We Meet

SiCKL Open Lab 011 is back, Happy New Year 2010! Come join us for experimental video, sound art and improvised music from Canada, Austria with our very own local players! Featuring Andra McCartney, Rainer Weins, Susanne Schuda, Florian Schmeiser, Ng Chor Guan, Yong Yandsen, Goh Lee Kwang and Kok Siew Wai.
Admission by donation.
Attire: light and casual.
For driving instructions: 012-9198031
For more info: /
* You can take STAR line LRT, stop at Cheras Station, it's 2 minutes walk from the Station to SiCKL.
During his early musical education Rainer Wiens studied guitar with John Becker, Allan Torak and Tony Braden, as well as jazz harmony with Barry Harris, but soon diverged from standard jazz practices and began leading his own groups in the late 1970s. In 1978, Wiens formed the left-field jazz group Silk Stockings as a vehicle for his own writing. He was co-founder with Jan Komarek of Sound Image Theatre. His published work is in the permanent collection of New York's Museum of Modern Art. By 2000 was leading the Afro-beat group Follow Follow, with a CD recorded in 2005. In recent recording projects, he played on the CD Speaking in Tongues with
percussionist Ganesh Anandan and violinist Malcolm Goldstein, and on Up North with Anandan. Since 2007 he also leads the avant-garde group, Dream Algebra, who play his rhythm-based structured improvisations and compositions. Wiens has presented rhythm and improvisation workshops to musicians, dancers, actors; and media and music students.
Andra McCartney is an associate professor of Communication Studies atConcordia University, Montreal, Canada, where she teaches courses on sound production, reflexivity studies, and sound theory. She received her PhD in Music from the York University in Toronto, with a dissertation on the soundscape work of Vancouver composer Hildegard Westerkamp. McCartney is well-known internationally for her research on issues of gender, creation,
sound, and technology. She is a soundwalk artist, leading public walks and creating gallery installations, recordings, performances and radio works. She has presented public soundwalks, performances and installations at festivals and conferences in Canada, UK, Finland, Germany, US and the Netherlands. Her works can be heard on the internet, on CBC radio, and on CDs produced by Deep Wireless, Terra Nova, and the Canadian Electroacoustic
Florian Schmeiser is a sound and media artist, based in Vienna, Austria. Works in the fields of soundperformance, installation and public art. Works with Susanne Schuda as schuda/schmeiser. Degree in visual media, University of Applied Arts, Vienna at Valie Export, Peter Weibel, Steina Vasulka, Karel Dudesek. Florian Schmeiser does an electronic pop-soundart-performance, a onemanshow with dark songs from the past up to today with coverversions of franz schubert, pink floyd, soundgarden and others. The sound is an avantgarde-retro-hybrid, a mixture of classical instruments combined with abstract electronics, coming from a selfcreated instrument: a barcodescanner, transformed to a soundmachine, that generates music out of everyday-life products. All played and performed by florian schmeiser.
Susanne Schuda is a new media artist from Vienna whose works range from video, interactive art, installation art and public art. She has been exhibited widely in Europe and most recently an artist of the Open Studios at Red Gate Residency, Beijing, China.
Ng Chor Guan
His passion for music during adolescent years propels him towards this fascinating arena. Chor Guan started his career as professional music composer during his years in London. His diverse professional credits include music for concert, film, theater, dance, exhibition and multimedia. His music has been performed in a wide variety of mediums including orchestral, choral, chamber, and electronic music. His work demonstrates an excellent integration of the classical and the contemporary.
January 06, 2010
SiCKL has a new Facebook group, please join!
Dear friends,
SiCKL has just created a Facebook group. Facebookers out there, please search for "SiCKL" and join the group to get latest information and updates on SiCKL activities.
Siew Wai & Yandsen
SiCKL has just created a Facebook group. Facebookers out there, please search for "SiCKL" and join the group to get latest information and updates on SiCKL activities.
Siew Wai & Yandsen
December 17, 2009
SiCKL Open Lab 010: How the GIG stole Christmas!

Event: SiCKL Open Lab 010: How the GIG stole Christmas!
Date: Saturday, 12 December 2009 @ 8:30pm
Attire: light and casual
Admission by donation.
Add: 73, 3rd floor (top floor), Amber Business Plaza, Jalan Jelawat 1, Cheras 56100, KL. (Take STAR line LRT, stop at Cheras Station, 2 minute walk from the station.)
Information: kokbuffalo@yahoo. com / truly_au@hotmail. com
Directions: yandsen at 012-9198031
December 2009 marks the 10th SiCKL Open Lab. We are doing fine so far, even though with no budget, still! December lab has an exciting line-up, with lots of actions! We have versatile dancer Low Shee Hoe bringing his "Lapar Lab" performing arts collective, collaborating with improvised musicians Yong Yandsen, Kok Siew Wai and Ng Chor Guan; contact improv instructor David Lim will be presenting Dichotomous Reunion: A Physical Excavation" with partner Iylia; a special guest from Australia, Sarah Angus, will do an improv music session with our very own SiCKL house band. Sarah will also be showing a video; and of course, you need more love/angst songs in this holiday season from SCAM!
Now you can witness how "the GIG stole Christmas" at SiCKL Open Lab this year!
Information on participating artists:
1. Lapar Lab (Local Artist Performing Arts Region)“LAPAR” means ‘hungry’ or ‘desire’ from the Malay language. It indicates the serious aspiration and strong cordiality to the professionalism and the artistic creation of performing arts. LAPAR Lab was conceptualized by Low Shee Hoe, who graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. This is a non-profit organization and it provides a platform or a space to publish works of performing arts and visual arts, through the support, sponsor and cooperation from the each member. www.laparlab. com
Founder: Low Shee Hoe
2. David Lim & Iylia: David's retrogressive foray into faux-modernism has been accelerated by his love for amorphous improvisation, his dabbling in nouveau cirque, his fascination with Wikipediafied art movements, and his YouTubing of contemporary popisms, although he attests to a high probability, statistically speaking, of being a Philistine, irreligiously speaking, in each and every one of them.
3. Sarah Angus is an Australian artist. She completed Masters in Visual Arts at Queensl and College of Art in Brisbane (Griffith University, 2008). Her arts practice has been influenced by extensive travel and work in communities through Asia, Africa and Australia. Her creative work - whether sound-based, video installation or paintings – is a visceral response and analysis of what she explains as her social mythology. Born in rural Victoria, Australia, 1983. Currently living in Desa Pandan, Kuala Lumpur.
4. Upon returning to Malaysia in 2006, Ng Chor Guan collaborated actively with theatrical artists and choreographers diversify his works into a new era. To name a few, theatre productions include Antigone, Okiku- A Tragedy Retold, The Lost and The Ecliptic and Break-ing. Dance collaborations include The Curse of The Forbidden Palace, Whispers of Love, The ‘R’ Adventurous Drift and Ballet Nutcracker. With all his hard to show for, it wasn’t a surprise that he was nominated for 2008 Cameronian Arts Awards Most Promising Artist.
November 26, 2009
EMACM Plays in Kuala Lumpur Contemporary Music Festival 2009

EMACM will perform on this Saturday, 28th at 11pm at The Annexe Gallaries, as part of the KL Contemporary Music Festival 2009. We'll be performing a 7 minute structured improvisation music piece by Ng Chor Guan, with voice (Kok Siew Wai), clarinet (Tham Kar Mun), bass clarinet (Yong Yandsen) and laptop (Ng Chor Guan).
Musicians and music lovers out there, do support your local revolution! :-)
REMIXED: City After Dark
Music Concert
Sat 28 Nov, 11pm
Presented by Malaysian Composers Collective & Goethe ¨CInstitut Malaysia
Admission by donation
Presented as part of the KL Contemporary Music Fest 2009 programme, this special late night electroacoustic concert breaks the conventions of classical music performance by embracing new media of expressions such as computers, amplification, visual arts and poetry.
Experience classical music music in a different light with a brand new work "Ageha. Tokyo" by exciting Hong Kong composer Sampson Young, along with works by composers from the region including our very own Ng Chor Guan and Goh Lee Kwang. Presented by the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble together with local performers Jerome Kugan, Experimental Musicians and Artists Co-operative Malaysia and more.
"Fire" for bass clarinet and computer (2007) - Jiradej Setabundhu, Thailand
"Kat & Shadow" for CD playback with poems and illustrations (2009) - Jerome Kugan, Malaysia
"Polygon" for clarinet, bass clarinet, voice and laptop (2009) - Ng Chor Guan, Malaysia
"Frissons" for viola and live electronic (2009) - Hoh Chung Shih, Singapore
“光月家客” for CD playback, video & performance art (2009) - Chong Keat Aun (Ji-An) & Neuyabe, Malaysia
“God Of Small Things” for 4 musicians (2009) - Goh Lee Kwang, Malaysia
“6ta” for laptop (2009) - Otto Sidharta, Indonesia
“La 3 Rua Reverses” for oboe, cello and tape (2009) - Boonrut Sirirattanapan, Thailand
“Ageha. Tokyo” for amplified violin, electronics and video - Samson Young, Hong Kong
“Temazcal” for Maracas and tape - Javier Alvarez, Mexico
“Dancing Queen” for audio visual algorithmic composition (2009) - Jiradej Setabundhu, Thailand
October 21, 2009
SiCKL Open Lab 009: Pre-Halloween Party

SiCKL Open Lab 009 is back with full blown this October! Our beloved friend, dancer Donna Miranda, visiting from Manila, will be performing her multimedia piece, "Listen, little brother", together with guitarist Aziz. The Self-conscious Acronym(ed) Man is back with more incredible stories and love+hate songs for us to sing along ("really?!") . Azmyl Yunor (guitar), Yong Yandsen (sax) & Kok Siew Wai (voice) are going to play together as an improv trio for the first time. There'll be a mysterious stand-up comedian
appearing at SiCKL this night ... Salute to Mr. A.M. Yusof! An act that you surely don't want to miss!
So, by all means, COME OUT on this Friday 23rd October, 9pm sharp!
Admission with donation.
Aziz has donated an excellent kuih lapis from Kuching!
Add: SiCKL (Studio in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur)
No. 75, Amber Business Plaza
Jln. Jelawat 1, 56100 Cheras, KL.
(1 minute walk from CHERAS LRT station)
Contact: Siew Wai: kokbuffalo@yahoo. com
Yandsen: 012-9198031
August 01, 2009
Improv Lab @ FINDARS: 004

Come join us with the most exciting line-up for the Improv Lab series with Lena Ang, Low Shee Hoe, Fahmi Fadzil, Goh Lee Kwang & more!
Come witness and explore with us the endless possibilities of improvisation!
Players Of The Month:
Lena Ang (dance)
Low Shee Hoe (dance)
Fahmi Fadzil (lighting)
Goh Lee Kwang (electronic music)
Yong Yandsen (woodwind)
Kok Siew Wai (voice & objects)
* incorporate with visual art by Lim Keh Soon and a special performance by Mark Teh
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009
Time: 9:00pm - 10:30pm
Location: Findars Space, Central Market Annexe
Jalan Hang Kasturi
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Improv Lab @ Findars is a project initiated by SiCKL (Studio in Cheras, KL) as a monthly art laboratory for artists, musicians and performers who are interested in improvisation and collaboration.
For more information, please contact:
Siew Wai: /
Yandsen: 012-9198031 /
May 06, 2009
Improv Lab @ FINDARS: 002

Dear friends,
Come join us for this monthly feast with art improvisation!
Daredevils for this month's Improv Lab 002:
AU SOW YEE (video artist/filmmaker)
Fahmi Fadzil (performer)
Goh Lee Kwang (musician)
JacAlMap (musicians)
Date & Time: Thursday, 14 May 2009 @ 8:30pm
Venue: Findars Space, Lot 2.01, Central Market Annexe, KL.
*Improv Lab @ FINDARS is a monthly art laboratory for artists, musicians & performers who are interested in improvisation and collaboration.
For booking and information, please contact SiCKL:
Siew Wai: /
Yandsen: 012-9198031
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